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自己紹介&日本土産のおすすめ【インターン6号 五味】 Meet Kanako (Intern#6)


先週の金曜日よりインターン6号としてNRM Internationalで働かせて頂いております、五味 可南子(ごみ かなこ)です。

上智大学 総合グローバル学部に在籍している4年生で(現在休学中)、アフリカ地域研究と開発学を専攻しています。



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(Never thought I would bump into you again in India, IHOP.)


Yes, It’s all happening!

Welcome to an inside look at my adventures in India this Winter!

As you may or may not have noticed, I am the new Intern for NRM International. My name is Kanako Gomi, a fourth-year student at Sophia University in Tokyo. I am an African and Development Studies major who also have an interest in business.

I was born in Japan and spent half my life in Singapore and California, which is why I was overwhelmed seeing the impact of American cultures on food, fashion, and etc. in Gurgram.

Although the tastes are adapted to local tastes, my first impression of Gurgram was that the people (especially the youth) are open-minded to foreign cultures.


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Speaking of foreign cultures, I brought some “Green tea flavoured KitKat” as a souvenir from Japan.

The great thing about it is that it does not contain any animal fat. I’m glad to hear a lot of people liked it!

(I think I should really think about selling it here in India.)



Here’s to a five-month adventure in India! Stay tuned!




Categories:   日記(Diary)
