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ゴルフ成長記録ーはじめにー【Intern No. 3 Hanae】My growth record of playing golf ①

インドは何が一番楽しい?と聞かれたら私は真っ先に、”ゴルフ”と答えます、  柴田です。皆さんいかがお過ごしでしょうか!


5 months are already past since I came to India. Then when someone asks me “What’s the best hobby in India for you?”, I will answer ” It’s Golf” definitely.  I set my goals of this internship up before I came here. For example In the column of living goal, I set up many goals like Being able to dance Bollywood, float doing yoga and so on, but the thing I can keep doing is only playing golf.
So l make up my mind to publish my awful score in public for improving my golf.


これまでのゴルフ経験 Golf Experience so far



Actually I attended golf school for 3 years since when I was elementary student because of my father encouraged to play. I practiced hard maybe, and sometimes played in some golf games in those days. But after I started to play softball when I was junior high school student and belonged to the art club in high school, I stopped playing golf.
I have to tell you this first, Please don’t expect my golf skill even I have an experience!


インドでゴルフをやり始めたきっかけ The trigger of starting to play golf in India




You can find many Japanese communities like a  society gathering by same university, by same hometown or near by, or playing tennis or badminton and so on. And I found “Eto” that is golf society that more than 150 people attend. First of all I should explain what’s “Eto” because Eto isn’t international culture and it’s called “the twelve zodiac signs” in English.
Only Japan, Korea, China,Vietnam, Thailand, Mongolia, Russia, India, and Bulgaria have this culture.  Each year has a symbolic animal and  the cycle is completed every twelfth year. The order is : rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, boar.
In Eto society, all members are chosen up 6 teams according to which Eto  is a person belonging. In my case my Case is Bird and Bird and Dog is same team, Sheep and monkey is same team, like this. You can know how to make grouping seeing the below images.
In November the big event is held every year, that all teams gather at the same golf course and compete each other.
The most valuable thing for me is being able to have a chance of multi generation exchange, meet many people, who is’t easy to meet in Japan.


インドにきてからの5カ月の記録 Golf  Record for 5 months

Below chart is my score so far.



現在の平均が118.9でして、グラフを見る限り、GoldenGreen というコースでプレーした際の成績が明らかに低いことが分かります。GGの平均が128.1、それ以外が111.8であり、GGとそれ以外では16打の差があることになります。というのも、GGは少しでも左右にぶれると球が見当たらない、もしくは茂みの中で3打、4打いやもっと叩いてしまうからです。ですので、如何にしてブッシュに入れないか、もしくは入れてしまった場合どう対処するのかが私にとっての今後のカギになってくると思います。
Maybe you think that I’m not good at playing golf considering my experience, dont’ you? So I said don’t expect anything!!
Anyway this chart shows that all my scores at Golden Green are bad. The reason is that once the ball goes left or right not straight, it will be difficult to find the ball and sometimes we may hit many times to try to out the ball. I can’t tell you about golf like professional of course but I think capturing Bush and around the green ( Aproach, Patter and banker ) will be key for good score.



But 14 hits are improved at GG from May to July, 12 hits are imoroved at ITC. If I keep this pace of growth, my score will be first half 100 in November, and less than 100 by the time I go back to Japan. Unfortunately these are just on the statistics. But the real is far from it…





Playing under 100 scores is all beginner’s goal. I’m going to leave India in end of January so I set my goal up being able to play average 102 during December to January! To do that capturing bush and 2 patting at most are necessary. I can play  in GG  same score as in another golf course If I can do these things.
Expect my growth! See you in next  report.

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